How indian PM Narendra Modi Earn money

 Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi receives a salary from the government. According to reports, the Prime Minister of India earns a monthly salary of Rs. 2 lakh (approximately $2,700 USD) and a monthly allowance of Rs. 50,000 (approximately $675 USD) for expenses incurred while performing his duties.

Apart from his salary as the Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has also disclosed his assets and sources of income in his election affidavit. In 2019, his total assets were valued at around Rs. 2.85 crores (approximately $385,000 USD), which included a residential property in Gandhinagar, Gujarat, and fixed deposits in banks.

It is worth noting that prior to becoming the Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi served as the Chief Minister of Gujarat from 2001 to 2014. During this time, he earned a salary as the Chief Minister, and his sources of income included his pension from the Gujarat government and income from book royalties.

It is important to mention that there is no evidence to suggest that Narendra Modi has engaged in any illegal or une

thical financial practices while in office.
